Contact Us

If you would like to contact “water at airports” please use this form. We are grateful for any comments you wish to make.


If you are telling us about drinking water in an airport, I will use the name you give me in a new post unless you say otherwise, but I will not disclose your Email.


If you would want to tell us about an airport we do not have AND want to give us a photo, please do it in General Forum / Photos ( Here ).


If after pressing the submit button you see a message that “the form was unable to submit. please contact administrator”    please press submit again, this helps block bots.


If you think we may need to reply to you please leave an Email address, we will not keep, sell or reveal it to anyone.
If you want to tell us about an airport we do NOT have AND want to give us a photo of the water station please do it in the General Forum / Photos


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